Archive for August 20, 2006

2+2+2= NO SLEEP!

Two boys with two ear infections and two trips to the doctors!  Yikes!  We are very sleepy people around here.

Both my guys have had colds this week.  Then Wed night Carsten did not sleep and he would just cry and cry, so I took him to the doctor on Thurs.  Ear Infection!

Then last night Camden woke up SCREAMING!!!! and complaining about his ear.  So we paid a visit to the new Emergency Hospital.  There he was diagnosed with an outer ear infection and a middle ear infection.  Poor kid!  They gave him tylenol with codine before we left and the got us a few hours of sleep, but when that wore off the screaming returned.  After some regular tylenol he went back to sleep.

That is the latest around here.  Please keep my boys in your prayers!

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