Archive for August 29, 2006

Is summer over?

The temps have been cooling down and I can’t help but to get my hopes up for fall. Fall is perhaps my favorite season. I am sure I would love it even more if our leaves changed colors.

Camden is really enjoying preschool. I get to volunteer on Friday during Chapel. Tomorrow is a water day and then we have a pool party on Friday. Ok, so it must still be summer if we are having water days and swim parties! 😉

Carsten will be 6 months soon. I can’t believe it. He is eating baby food now and really has a great personality!

Mark has a training in November in Flordia so our family will be Magic Kingdom visitors soon. I have never been there, so it is sure to be quite a treat for our family. I do think that Carsten will have the most fun 😉 !

I have actually started Carsten’s baby book. I am far behind, but at least it is started. We have hundreds of pics so that won’t be a problem.

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