Archive for July, 2006


We have been meeting so many milestones in our family. It has been so exciting to see what new skill our children will develop!

Camden: Is finally potty-trained, and just in time for preschool. Yep, Camden starts preschool in just 2 weeks. We are so excited for him! He is singing his ABC’s and counting to 14 (there are some inconsistencies, but we are proud).

Carsten: He has had his first cereal, found his toes and rolled completely over.

There really is never a dull moment in our house with these two wonderful and amazing boys of ours!

I will be working about 8 hours a month this school year, with the exception of next week when I will be working about 12 hours. Mark continues to work like crazy! He is so dedicated to his job and his patients.

Our family will be taking a mini vacation in just a couple of weeks to the Legacy Golf Resort. I have a Women’s Leadership Retreat scheduled for Fri and Sat until 1:00pm, and with a nursing baby we thought we would get our own room and have fun. Mark is really looking forward to it!

That just about sums up what has been going on around our Casa! We hope everyone is doing well!

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We have been BUSY!!!

Not that I am yelling or anything! 🙂

We had been taking swim lessons 4 days/week, enclosing our back porch, and visiting with family from out of town. It has been so hot that we are just trying to stay cool.

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