Archive for August, 2006

Is summer over?

The temps have been cooling down and I can’t help but to get my hopes up for fall. Fall is perhaps my favorite season. I am sure I would love it even more if our leaves changed colors.

Camden is really enjoying preschool. I get to volunteer on Friday during Chapel. Tomorrow is a water day and then we have a pool party on Friday. Ok, so it must still be summer if we are having water days and swim parties! 😉

Carsten will be 6 months soon. I can’t believe it. He is eating baby food now and really has a great personality!

Mark has a training in November in Flordia so our family will be Magic Kingdom visitors soon. I have never been there, so it is sure to be quite a treat for our family. I do think that Carsten will have the most fun 😉 !

I have actually started Carsten’s baby book. I am far behind, but at least it is started. We have hundreds of pics so that won’t be a problem.

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2+2+2= NO SLEEP!

Two boys with two ear infections and two trips to the doctors!  Yikes!  We are very sleepy people around here.

Both my guys have had colds this week.  Then Wed night Carsten did not sleep and he would just cry and cry, so I took him to the doctor on Thurs.  Ear Infection!

Then last night Camden woke up SCREAMING!!!! and complaining about his ear.  So we paid a visit to the new Emergency Hospital.  There he was diagnosed with an outer ear infection and a middle ear infection.  Poor kid!  They gave him tylenol with codine before we left and the got us a few hours of sleep, but when that wore off the screaming returned.  After some regular tylenol he went back to sleep.

That is the latest around here.  Please keep my boys in your prayers!

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First Day

Camden started Preschool this morning! 🙂 I have mixed emotions about the whole thing. 🙁

He got a new Thomas backpack and new Thomas shoes for his first day. He seemed pretty excited about the whole thing. I have many concerns, but that is what us moms go through when our babes grow up. I leave to get him in about 25 min, so I will post a comment to let you all know how it went.

Here are some pictures from this morning:

first day2.jpgfirst day3.jpgfirst day1.jpg

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