Archive for August, 2007

Sleep over!

Camden and Nathan had their first sleep over (not at a Gma/Gpa house).  They both did really well.  It was at our house.  We met the Reeds and some other families from church at Peter Piper Pizza for dinner.  After dinner, Nathan came home with us.  The boys played for 45 min before PJs and bed.  They snuggled up to each other and were sound asleep by the time I checked on them 15 min later.

Carsten is now a walker.  He is walking all over the place.  It seems like he figured out that he could really walk on Monday night.  If he needs to get somewhere fast he will still scoot or crawl, but Mark and I were commenting on how fast he is walking now.  I took him to the doctor this week too.  He woke up from his afternoon nap with goop coming from his eye.  He had also had a runny nose for awhile, which seemed to be getting worse.  The doctor said he had a sinus infection.  He is on antibiotics and doing well.

Everything is the same with Mark and I.  By the way, Camden LOVES school!  I am so glad he is in Ms. Jennie’s class.  I used to work in Jennie’s class and she and I are friends so she gets his quirkiness and is able to help him when he is having some anxiety.  It is a good fit!

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What a difference a day makes!

Camden went to his second day of school today.  He did so well.  He went in and started playing.  He cleaned up when asked.  He told me that he sang the Peanut Butter song and the Pizza song.  He is having fun and that is great!

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Camden’s First Day of School

Camden started preschool today. He is attending the special needs preschool in our district as a peer pal. That means we have to pay tuition for him to go. It was an interesting first day. Mark had to chase after him as he ran away from the door. He threw a fit when we left but as soon as we were gone he did well. He had a great day with the exception of one time out. He chose to not help clean up before circle time. His teacher gave him lots of chances but he refused. I hope that this will set the bar and he will know what is expected of him. He wouldn’t really pose for a picture or even touch his backpack. I hope that Thursday will be smoother!

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Fall down trigger!

On Friday night we were outside. It is the coolest part of the day and the boys love it! Mark was mowing the lawn, Camden pushes his little mower and Carsten was swinging. Camden was running across the grass and fell down. I said, “Oh buddy, are you okay?” He looked at me and stood up and said, “Yeah, I just pushed my fall down trigger!”

He makes us laugh!!

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The Walking Saga

Carsten is walking, however, he still prefers to scoot or crawl.  He will now stand alone for a long time in the middle of the room.  With strong encouragement he will take a few steps and with really strong encouragement he will walk longer distances.  He is even moving on his feet and hands at times.  He doesn’t trust himself, but he can do it!  He is just a few days shy of being 17 months, so he did walk before his brother.  It is so fun to watch them grow.

He is also cut at least 1 more tooth that I have seen and his little gums are so bumpy he is bound to have more and more coming through.  It doesn’t stop him from eating anything!  His favorites right now are cereal bars and anything from someone else’s plate.  Mark comes home from work after we have had dinner and often Carsten will stand by his chair and beg for food from his plate.  He was so bold the other night that he picked up 1/2 a chicken breast right off Mark’s plate.  So funny!

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