Archive for September, 2007

Lots of new teachers!

Including us!  This was a weekend of change for us at church.  Camden has started Church Time and has a new Sunday School class with new teachers in both.  Change is difficult for him, but he seems to do better as soon as I leave.  Carsten was supposed to move up, but since he just started walking they are keeping him in his other class for a bit.  I think they love having him so much they aren’t ready to get rid of him yet!

Finally, Mark and I are teaching Awana  Cubbies.  It is Camden’s second year in the program and we are teaching his class.  It was a lot of fun last Sunday and we are looking forward to the next 8 months!

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Labor Day

We hope everyone is enjoying their long Labor Day weekend!  We got back from Tucson last night.  We went down for a visit with my mom.  Ken cooked his famous yummy ribs!  We played at a splash park, TWICE.  The first time the grown ups weren’t prepared to get wet.  Once there we knew we would return and ready to get wet.  That is what we did.  This was a great splash park.  It was all fenced in and had several different ways to get wet.  We also went to Foothills Mall, TWICE.  Mark and I went the first time on Saturday night, but they had lost power for 3 hours so most of the stores closed for the night.  That is why we went back on Sunday.  We also got to sit on the back porch and watch two storms roll in.  One came from the North East right over the mountains, which was just beautiful.  The hard hitting one came from the North West.  After the rain, Camden splashed in the puddles on the back porch.  It was great!  Today, Camden is going to spend the night with his Gran and Papa.  They have plans to visit the new Bass Pro Shop and play a lot!  Mark and I are going to take advantage of only having one child and go see a movie later.  We also might do some much needed toy purging.  I guess that is about it.  Enjoy your weekend!

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