What a difference a day makes!

Camden went to his second day of school today.  He did so well.  He went in and started playing.  He cleaned up when asked.  He told me that he sang the Peanut Butter song and the Pizza song.  He is having fun and that is great!


  1. Dad said,

    August 9, 2007 @ 8:37 pm

    Yay Camden!

  2. Gma L. said,

    August 9, 2007 @ 9:29 pm

    I’ve waited all day to hear your comment about today. Great! School is fun.

  3. Heather said,

    August 11, 2007 @ 8:09 am

    Friday was another good day for Camden at school. He seems excited when he gets home and he tells me about all the cool stuff they do. I am really impressed with how much he is able to convey. I need to ask his teacher about the songs. He giggles every time he tells me about them and then he wants we to sing them. I am really excited about this year and I think it will be great for him!

  4. Gramma Tucson & Papa Ken said,

    August 11, 2007 @ 6:19 pm

    He is such a big boy. I’m thrilled that he is having fun at school. We miss you all and love you very much.

  5. jocelyn said,

    August 23, 2007 @ 5:59 pm

    Soooo. anythin goin on?

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