Carsten’s Surgery Day 8-10

Day 8: This was a pretty good day overall. Nathan came over to play and the boys got along well. We hung out at the house most of the day with the exception of a quick stop at Sam’s Club. All was going really well until Carsten fell asleep on my lap and woke up screaming. We couldn’t make him calm down and he said noting hurt but he couldn’t stop crying. This went on ALL night long. He would not take anymore pain medicine.

Carsten, Camden and Nathan playing on the top bunk.

Day 9: Today started early after a restless night of sleep so the boys could go with dad to the Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast at church. Once they arrived everything was good. Carsten seems to be feeling well today and he is in good spirits. I can tell his throat hurts to yawn and he speaks in a very high pitched voice. Adventures today include a trip to Bass Pro Shop for some free summer activities and Yodipity Frozen Yogurt. Carsten went to bed at 8:00 and we thought everything was going great. At 10:00 he woke up screaming. Mark and I tried to comfort him and have him take his medicine. The next we knew he coughed blood and then starting bleeding like crazy. The blood was running out of his mouth and I would try to wipe it off but it just kept coming. We called our neighbor to come stay with Camden and we took Carsten to the ER. The whole drive there, Carsten was vomiting the blood he had swallowed. Upon arrival at the ER they were quick to assess him. They started an IV, took blood to run labs, gave him morphine and zofran and monitored him. The bleeding stopped and once he got his IV fluids, his color returned. We were sent home a couple hours later. Carsten slept well the rest of the night.
Day 10: Morning came early after the ER visit last night. Carsten has been mellow this morning. He is tired and a little tentative to do too much. Dad and Camden spent Father’s Day Morning with Grandpa Balch playing golf. They had a good time. Mommy and Carsten relaxed at home. Later in the afternoon we went over to Gran and Grandpa’s house for a swim and dinner. Carsten did great. He fell asleep on the car ride home and slept all night without an incident.

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