Summer means things change

I love the summer season, even though in the Phoenix area that means it will be HOT. For us, and many people it is a season of change. You change the routine from getting up and getting ready for school, to sleeping in and staying up late for the lazy days of summer. Working in the school district has both benefits and hindrances. While my paycheck might be small, I get to spend my summer and 4 weeks of school breaks with my children, and that I love!

We have been extremely busy the last few weeks and it will be nice to slow down a bit. At the end of April Mark participated in the Warrior Dash. It was a 3.4 mile run with crazy obstacles, including jumping over fire and swimming through a mud pit, throughout. He did great and finished just under 45 minutes.

Camden had his last Wolf Den meeting for Cub Scouts on my birthday. We celebrated with a pizza party, craft, play at the park, and ended the night with yummy root beer floats!

We also put our little pool up this year. We did not have a chance to put it up last year. The boys have been in a couple of times. We are having a few issues with the pump leaking, but other than that it seems great.

Carsten had his Awana Cubbies End of the Year Program. I was his teacher this year. We had a lot of fun learning bible verses and learning about Jesus through songs and games.

My guys also found time to hang around and be guys!

Carsten received Dr. Alva’s All Star Award for Character.

My baby graduates preschool today and he will be a Kindergartener. My big boy has just 2 short days left in second grade and then he will be in third grade. I don’t know where time has gone.

Enjoy your summer!


  1. Aunt Donna said,

    May 25, 2011 @ 10:42 am

    Wow, I didn’t realize what all was involved in that warrior dash, but “You Da Man, Mark!!”

    Love the picture of your three men on the floor, all in matching positions.

    Have fun in the pool this summer, but watch those boys. ♥ ♥

    P.S. love the new theme!

  2. Dad said,

    May 28, 2011 @ 6:59 pm

    They do grow up way too fast. Have a great summer Balchs.

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