Spring is a great time to PLAY!

The weather here has been great! We have been enjoying walks in the evening, playing at the parks, and having fun in our yard!

Last weekend Mark and I took out the wall to wall carpet in the playroom. Every time it rains the carpet gets soaked and stays soaked for a long time. It was indoor/outdoor carpet so it held up and was doing a great job it just wasn’t as practical with Abbie spending so much time outside. We divided the playroom and installed a flexible gate so we can section Abbie off and allow the kids to play. Abbie has been known to eat the toys laying around so this also separates her from the toys!

Yesterday, Nathan came over to play and the boys had fun being boys! The latest fad for Camden and Carsten is Space. When we go on walks they pretend we are on the moon and cars are space shuttles. While playing with some of the goodies Gramma Tucson gave them for Easter they drew space shuttle with sidewalk chalk and used a slinky for a space belt. Here are a few pictures of the adventures!






  1. Gma Tucson said,

    April 2, 2010 @ 8:16 am

    I’m so glad they are enjoying the baskets. I miss them already! Love you. Have a glorious Easter. HE is risen!


  2. Donna said,

    April 2, 2010 @ 6:15 pm

    I was wondering where you were hiding. Now I know you were working on the playroom, and that’s a big task! Looks great (and practical!)

    Happy EasterQ

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