School, Pine and the gym.

School has been going well. We had a couple rough days but now things seem to be getting better. I drop Camden off at the curb to the school and that seems so much better for our separation.

Carsten has been doing great in speech and we are already talking about dismissal! Yeah! He loves going to Ms. Angela’s on Mon and Wed

We went to Pine about 2 weeks ago and had a blast. It rained a lot while we were there. We enjoyed the 72º weather and watching the rain on the porch. The boys collected bugs and checked them out using Camden’s microscope.




Mark and I are looking into going a gym. We have been trying out Mountainside Fitness. We like it so far. Costco has a great deal on membership there so we might go with that!


  1. GG said,

    September 7, 2009 @ 2:24 pm

    Thanks, sweetie. I’ll have Daryl install weather for me next time he is here.

  2. GG said,

    September 13, 2009 @ 12:30 pm

    It doesn’t fit here, but I just read your Mom’s last entry in her journal. She should make them all into a booklet, to give to others who are just starting (or contemplating starting chemo). She is an inspiration to anyone who reads her entries. It is also inspirational for those of us who don’t have cancer, but have some other annoying condition. Each person who reads them must feel as though she is talking personally to him or her.

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