Camden update

Our “We Survived the First Three Weeks of Kindergarten” party was last Sunday. It was very nice! We had 2 of his friends come over and they really enjoyed themselves.

Camden did not go to school on Thurs or Fri this last week. He had been running a fever and complaining of a sore tummy. This continued and I decided to take him to the doctor Fri afternoon. She had some concerns about his fever and tummy ache and ordered some x-rays. We went this morning. That was a little scary for Camden but he did eventually let them take the x-rays. They even let him check them out! Doctor put STAT on the orders and she called with results about an hour after we left. Camden has a sinus infection that is to blame for his fever. He is also quite constipated and that explains his tummy ache. We hope he will be feeling better soon!


  1. Gma Tucson said,

    August 30, 2008 @ 6:02 pm

    Tell my brave man that Gma Tucson loves him. Does he remember the x-ray we saw in the Children’s Doctor Office at the Children Museum? That was also of a chest.

    Love you so much!

  2. Aunt Donna said,

    August 30, 2008 @ 7:43 pm

    Glad it wasn’t more serious. Remember when Brian had that tummy ache and they thought it was his pancreas secreting fluid and eating away at itself? Scary!

    So how’s he liking school now? Better?

  3. Heather said,

    August 30, 2008 @ 7:58 pm

    We researched x-rays online last night to get him prepared. I had forgotten about that doctor’s area.

    School has been ok. He has better days than others. He is struggling with the various teaching styles of his specials teachers. I am dreading drop off on Tuesday since it will have been 5 days since he has gone.

    He has had his first does of antibiotics. I hope he is back to himself by tomorrow afternoon. We just need to break this fever. This is the 3rd day with fevers over 102º.

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