Summer Fun!

That is how I have categorized (and color coded) our summer activities. I decided to plan several activities to do this summer so we didn’t just sit around all day. Last week we went to Arizona Museum for Youth and then for a swim at Gran’s (Mark’s mom). We also went to Bounce U. The boys really enjoyed bouncing around and going down the gigantic slides. This week we have a visit to a splash park, a movie, visit to the library and more swimming planned. So far, so good! We want to have as much fun as we can before Camden starts school in the fall!


  1. Aunt Dianna said,

    June 10, 2008 @ 8:51 am

    What a terrific mom you are!

  2. Aunt Donna said,

    June 10, 2008 @ 2:14 pm

    The best way to keep ’em out of trouble is to keep ’em busy with other stuff. I’m sure GG would love for you to bring them over to her place to swim, too. Wish I didn’t have to work, ’cause I’d like to go to Bounce U, the splash park and a movie with you! 😉

    Have fun!

  3. Heather said,

    June 10, 2008 @ 2:32 pm

    The movie was good today. Camden did such a great job! He has had anxiety about the movie theaters and has just started to enjoy them at home. We decided to try one that he has seen and really likes. It was great. Carsten did well too. He got a bit bored towards the end but not bad for a 2 yr/old.

    We had fun at the splash park. We joined some friends there and the boys got soaking wet. They played on the playground and we ate lunch there too.

    The library is on the schedule for tomorrow.

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