Camden’s Preschool Graduation

Camden graduated from Preschool today. He was such a great boy during the program. It is so hard to believe he will be going on to Kindergarten this fall. How can it be? The kids were all so well behaved! They sang a couple songs and performed using rhythm sticks to one song. They read a story aloud with their teacher and then got their certificates. It was such a JOY to watch him today.

Congratulations Camden! We love you!

You can find pictures from today here.


  1. GG said,

    May 21, 2008 @ 9:48 pm

    I noticed today how much Camden has developed just lately. He was so great telling me about graduation, and Thomas train, and the mine.

    And I think that “Me, too” is a darling. He changes in looks so fast. Your mom will have a ball when she has them.

    You’re right. They are good kids.

  2. Aunt Donna said,

    May 22, 2008 @ 10:02 am

    Sounds like he has redeemed himself from Mother’s Day. 😉

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