Word Play

Camden is showing a lot of interest in words, what the beginning sound is, and he is even picking out words within words. Today on our drive home he was asking me a lot of questions, as he usually does on our drives. We drove by a group of homes in the process of being stuccoed. He was asking me how it works and I explained that the workers put on the stucco and it hardens and becomes really strong. He said to me, “So it just sticks to that stuff (chicken wire and Styrofoam).” I answered, “Yes.” Then a few seconds later he starts giggling and says, “So when the stuff sticks on the wall it becomes STUCK (pause) O.” He was laughing so hard and I just started to crack up as well. It was very cute!


  1. Dad said,

    March 27, 2008 @ 8:22 pm

    Silly boy 🙂

  2. jocelyn said,

    March 28, 2008 @ 12:03 am

    As I sit here at 2 a.m., after just changing a dirty diaper, now feeding my sweet baby. I can’t wait for those days. That’s so adorable.

  3. Heather said,

    March 28, 2008 @ 6:30 am

    I do not envy those late night feedings. I am just getting to where I get to sleep through the night 2-4 nights a week. It really is nice!

    Snuggle baby Liam for me!

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