Carsten’s Hospital Stay

On Thursday, Carsten woke up with a high fever. I thought it was probably viral so I played the wait and see game. Then, by the afternoon he was tugging at his ear. I got him an appointment in the after hours clinic. I was expecting a copay and prescription and then home. Well, the doctor did not like the sound of his lungs. He had 2 breathing treatments and his pulse-ox was between 88-91. She was not comfortable sending him home like that, not to mention the 104 temp. She made arrangements for him to be admitted into Gilbert Mercy Hospital. He was to be observed overnight to make sure he didn’t go into respiratory distress.

It was a long night. I really didn’t sleep. Carsten pulse-ox was 90-92 most of the night and would dip down to 87-88. About 8:30 his morning nurse came in and suggested trying to get the stuff out of his nose and see how that works. I cleaned his nose with a warm washcloth, and his numbers shot straight to 97, and stayed there! We were thrilled!

After several long hours we saw the doctor. He was not overly concerned about pneumonia, but did say say he had double ear infections. He also could hear “crackles” in his lung which indicates a little wetness. He ordered an injection of antibiotics and sent him home on Augmentin. We got home shortly after 5:00pm last night.

He seems to be doing well today. He wants his mommy but he is also playing with his brother and around the house.


  1. Dad said,

    February 23, 2008 @ 9:32 am

    Grandpa hopes Carsten feels better soon!

  2. Daryl said,

    February 23, 2008 @ 12:05 pm

    I hear emergency rooms in the Valley are really crowded right now from flu sufferers. You were lucky to get him in.

  3. Gma L. said,

    February 23, 2008 @ 12:52 pm

    I hope that baby isn’t going to have lung problems, too. I always feel responsible when Camden has asthma. Did and of the Drs. mention that word? At least, there are better treatments than when I was a child.

    I’m trying to stay out of crowds, especially ERs where all the flu bugs congregate. Hope you don’t have any more than your Valentine’s Day episodes. Sickness seems to go with babyhood.

  4. Gma L. said,

    February 23, 2008 @ 12:53 pm

    Not “and”–“any”

  5. Donna said,

    February 23, 2008 @ 6:51 pm

    Oh wow, I’m so sorry, but glad the doctor took the extra precaution and admitted him. I’ve spent a sleepless night in the hospital with sick kids (both B & R when they had their tonsils out) and I know how long and hard that night is. Glad he’s back home in his own bed — and you in yours! I hope he’s on the mend and you all stay healthy. With the weather warming up, maybe these flu bugs will bite the dust soon!

  6. Betty said,

    February 25, 2008 @ 11:05 am

    Feel better soon, Baby. Hugs and kisses!

  7. Gma L. said,

    February 26, 2008 @ 9:49 am

    I hope everyone is well now. With a young family, it seems that someone is always sick.

  8. Heather said,

    February 26, 2008 @ 5:19 pm

    Carsten and Camden had a follow with their doctor today. Camden’s ears are great and he is on the mend. Carsten still has fluid in one ear but it does not look infected. His breathing was good.

    I on the other hand must have a viral infection because my antibiotics are not helping me very much. Mark still has a cough and sinus issues similar to me.

    That is our update!

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