Fighting the Sickies!

Carsten woke up in the middle of Saturday night with a horrible cough, a fever, and difficulty breathing. I took him to the ER. His pulse-ox was low at 92 and his temp was high at 104.1. They gave him an oral steroid and a special breathing treatment for croup. We came home and he had a great Sunday and Monday until the late afternoon. Then the fever hit again. I called his doctor and she was concerned about an ear infection or pneumonia. Mark took him in Tuesday morning, and it had settled in his chest but his ears were clear. After an x-ray confirmed no pneumonia we were relieved. We are using ibuprofen every 6 hours to keep his fever down and he gets breathing treatments every 4 hours.

That is what we have been up to. Hope everyone else is doing well. I can’t wait to see more pictures of Baby Liam!


  1. Betty said,

    January 31, 2008 @ 9:04 am

    Is Carsten feeling better today?

  2. Aunt Donna said,

    January 31, 2008 @ 10:13 am

    I hope Carsten is on the mend. Poor little guy.

    You got your wish on more pictures of Liam. Our new little nephew is absolutely adorable, isn’t he?

  3. Heather said,

    February 1, 2008 @ 7:59 am

    We visited the ER again last night/this morning. He was digging at his ears and I was not comfortable without having him checked out. He does have an infection in his right ear. Now he is on amoxicillin.

    That is the latest!

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