November and 91 degrees!

As I sit here on the back patio and the boys play in the sand wearing shorts and t-shirts without shoes, I am shocked it is November! How is it possible that I glance at my weatherbug and it reads 91 degrees at 5pm on Nov 6th. Wow! Can we say global warming? I realize we live and the southwest and it is generally warmer then other parts of the country, but usually by this time we are wearing long sleeve shirts at least.

Halloween was fun, but hectic! We went to our Fall Festival at church. I am so thankful that Mark’s mom joined us because she was so helpful with the boys. The church changed things this year and had all of the volunteers create a game for the children to play, instead of just handing out candy. This kept Mark and I very busy. Brian helped part of the evening as well. I will say that next year we might just walk our neighborhood or go to a park.

We are exited about the holidays coming. We haven’t decided what we are doing for Thanksgiving yet. We might stay home and hang out. Mark and I have always wanted to try frying a turkey, so depending on how things go, we might try it this year. We have been brining our turkeys for the last couple of years, so we are ready to take the next step.

Camden is doing great at school. He enjoys his friends and loves his teachers. He is excited about Christmas! That is so much fun as a parent! He is taking a drawing class through Young Rembrandt’s. It isn’t his favorite, but when he is there he does well.

Carsten is turning into a little boy. He is teething all of his molars right now. He has been a bit cranky the last couple of days. We have started hearing some more words from him. He is saying Camden, mama, and just started to say uh-oh. It is quite cute!

Here is a picture from Sea World.



  1. Aunt Donna said,

    November 6, 2007 @ 9:30 pm

    Is that Sea World, or Legoland? I didn’t see that. Cute picture. (:

  2. Heather said,

    November 7, 2007 @ 6:57 am

    It was Sea World. We took this picture when we were there on Mon. It was out by the Sky Tower on the opposite side of the ticket booth. I think we went straight to dolphins on Sat and didn’t go by it.

  3. Gma L. said,

    November 7, 2007 @ 11:35 pm

    We have broken six record high temps in the past two weeks. Sure don’t need the furnace yet, but air conditioner helps. Imagine, above 90º–on the 7th of November. They had snow in NY and PA today.

  4. jocelyn said,

    November 8, 2007 @ 7:43 am

    It’s cold here. Wi is now living up to it’s weather… They’re talking about snow.

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