Our Sweet Kenzie

I got Kenzie while away at college in 2000. Her first night home she slept across my neck and purred the whole night. She would ride back and forth to Tucson with me. Kenzie would jump in the air and sometimes do flips to catch a ball and she would play hide and seek with me. When she was young, her special treat was watching the toilet when it flushed. Her paws would be on the seat and she would watch the water go around. Once married to Mark, she and Bailey became sweet friends. We could tell she was sad after Bailey left us. Kenzie never hit it off with Abbie. They always stayed in separate areas of the house. We will all miss Kenzie dearly. I am so thankful that I was with her to the very last moment. She was and always will be my sweet kitty. Here are a few pictures of her.

Playing with bubbles

Best buddies!

My Sweet Kenzie


  1. Aunt Donna said,

    September 30, 2012 @ 5:04 pm

    I’m so sorry for your loss. Kenzie was a pretty kitty and I know how much you’ll miss her. ❤

  2. Gramma Tucson said,

    September 30, 2012 @ 5:22 pm

    Oh honey- I know exactly how you feel and I’m so sorry for your family. I wish I could take this sadness away. Love you

  3. Dad said,

    September 30, 2012 @ 6:38 pm

    Such a sweetie. We miss our kitties so much when they leave. I will miss her when I visit you.

  4. Robin said,

    September 30, 2012 @ 7:42 pm

    So sorry, Heather. Sounds like she brought you a lot of happiness through the years. Hugs!

  5. GG said,

    October 1, 2012 @ 12:41 pm

    I can think of no appropriate comment’ you know how I loved her.

  6. Nikki said,

    October 1, 2012 @ 2:31 pm

    She was such a sweet kitty! I will miss seeing her at your house. I love that picture of Kenzie and Bailey. So sweet. It’s so hard to lose a pet. 🙁

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