Archive for March 20, 2012

Spring Break Grenada 2012

What we did in Grenada while visiting Mike and Andrea with Mark’s parents!

Saturday March 10th
Drove to the Spiceland Mall
Wandered around the shops and outdoor market, bought souvenirs.
Went “shelling”
Celebrated Carsten’s 6th birthday
Dinner at the Beach House

Sunday March 11th
AM – walked to the nearby point, watched the waves and took
PM – went to Grand Anse Beach
Played in the waves, rode on an inflatable pulled by a ski boat
Pizza for dinner

Monday March 12th
Breakfast at The University Club
Went to Fort Frederick and Fort Matthew
Went to a fruit stand. Bought tamarin balls and cashew fruit.
Went shelling, swimming and relaxed
Went to the Dodgy Dock for dinner and saw a 747 fly over us.

Tuesday March 13th
Went down to mum & dad’s condo and hung out on their beach.
Did some shelling, played in the sand, and read our books.
Drove to the grocery store (by ourselves!) and picked up some food.
Went and met our catamaran at the dock for our snorkeling
adventure. Went with 7 others (3 from England and 4 from
Canada). Went to Flamingo Bay And then the Sculpture Park. ( (
Saw lots of fish, coral and sponges. Sculpture Park was
fascinating. Unfortunately, dad got pretty seasick.
Dinner at Ali Babas
Food was delicious, had a Chicken Shawarma Wrap, but service
was, as seems typical, not so great.

Wednesday, AKA cruise ship (see below) March 14th
7000+ cruise passengers supposedly descending on Grenada today!
Went to Food Land, bought some souvenirs and fed the koi.
Went to Grand Anse Beach. Boys got driftwood necklaces and
shark tooth necklaces. Boys had great time body surfing!
Heather cooked a great home-cooked meal of salad, pasta and bread
with brownies for desert.

Thursday March 15th
Glenn our tour guide picked us up at 8:20. We first went through
St. George’s, got stuck in a ton of traffic due to a car accident
and then went off up into the mountains.
1. First stop was Grand Etang Lake, We got a nice
tour of the visitors center and then went down to look at the
monkeys that were out. The monkeys sat on our shoulders and ate
2. We then stopped at a plantation house for a refreshing drink.
3. Next stop was the nutmeg processing plant in Gouyave. Took
an interesting tour.
4. Next stop was Concord Waterfall,
Took lots of great pictures.
5. Last stop was Fort George, not on the tour but we asked and
we had time! Boys loved the view and the big canons.
Once we got home, it poured with rain for the next two hours at
least. Dinner at Charcoals,
Pretty good barbecued chicken.

Friday March 16th – last full day
Rained all night long, and hard!
Celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary!
Started off early and drove out to the lighthouse point. Not as cool
as “Crabville.”
The drove to Grande Anse Beach. Had a great time until the rains
came. Decided to leave and get lunch. Went to Spiceland and got
a roti.
Met a nice man named Daniel from London, ended up buying both
boys a smoothie.
Went back home and relaxed. Heather slept, boys played, I relaxed
and cleaned up. It rained almost all afternoon.
At 5:00, went and met Mike & Andrea at the vet clinic and got a
Went to Prickly Bay and got some delicious pizza, yummy ice cream
and listened to an amazing Steele drum band.

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