Archive for June 17, 2011

Carsten’s Surgery Day 5-7

Day 5: This has been a great day so far. Carsten seems to be doing really well. He had a frozen Gogurt for breakfast. He was still feeling good from the pain meds he had at 5:30 am so we decided to go see Megamind at the movie theater. He did great and even ate some popcorn with a blue Icee. We came home and while watching another movie we did a fun art project. Not sure if this is the calm before the storm the doctors and nurses were talking about. After taking a short nap, Carsten woke up crying and again asked for his medicine. He then told me that he doesn’t like having his tonsils out. I promised he won’t ever have to do it again. After about an hour of snuggles, he felt well enough to start talking…a lot. His voice is slightly higher pitched and he says he likes the way it makes him sound. He has also been playing a little around the house. He ate a bowl of pasta and Parmesan Cheese and ice cream for dessert. My prayer for him is that he will skip the set back days that everyone has told us about.

His Rainbow Art project. (That is chocolate pudding on his face)

He enjoyed a little coloring as well.

He was even feeling well enough to take some silly self-portraits!

Day 6: GREAT night of sleep. Carsten decided to take his medicine before bed and he slept straight through the night. He did whimper a bit around 5:30 this morning but otherwise did great. After getting up, he requested ramen noodles for breakfast. He took some pain medicine. We played a few board games and made a quick trip to the library to get some new books. His “Lunch of Champions” included an Icee, puff cheetos, and a sugared doughnut. We put together a puzzle in the afternoon and went to pick up Camden from church camp. We tried having him go to bed alone, but he needed his mommy. He night was fine until about 1:30 when he started to fuss and finally agreed to take his meds at 3:00 am.

He was proud of the puzzle we put together!

Very happy to be together again!

Day 7: Carsten slept until about 8 am and I could tell he was not feeling well when he woke up. I offered his medicine and he said no. Then, about 15 minutes later he was crying and asking for them. Once they kicked in, he was back to playing with his brother and arguing with his brother…just like before. He asked for his medicine once more in the evening and slept until about 12:30 am before needing more.

Here is proof of the first argument of the day.

Playing Club Penguin for a little while kept them both happy.

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