Archive for August 26, 2010

PTO, Cub Scouts and Awana

not to mention sports class and science class. Whew! We have gone from a family that didn’t do many extra activities to a jam packed schedule.

I am on the PTO Board this year serving as volunteer coordinator.

Camden joined Cub Scouts and is a wolf. Mark is volunteering as his Den Leader.

Carsten will complete his second year of Cubbies this year and I will be his teacher. Camden has expressed interest in Sparks so he is going to try it out.

Camden has been taking a science class called Mythbusters, and he loves it!

Carsten is in a sports class to get exposed to a wide range of different sports to play. Maybe he will find one he loves!

So if you don’t see us much, you know why!

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Good bye Ms. Brown, Hello Mrs. Brown

A week ago Tuesday, Camden’s second grade teacher (Ms. Brown) had to resign from her teaching position. She has some medical issues that need to be taken care of and she moved to NC to be near family. For the past week Camden has had a substitute teacher while they find a replacement. I met Mrs. Brown yesterday. She is hanging out with the class and getting to know them this week and she takes over teaching next week. She is young and sweet and seems very energetic!

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