Archive for January 29, 2009

Joining the technology age!

Yes that is right! We are moving up! At Christmas we got an upgraded and top of the line computer from dad! We also upgraded our internet connection speed to the fastest available (we had the slowest) and last Saturday we finally got a flat screen HD TV! The best happens today when the installers come to hook up Direct TV and we get an HDDVR for the family room and a DVR in our room. Yes we will be able to record shows without video tape! WOW!! I know most folks have had Tivo or Replay, not us. We have depended on good old VHS VCR for missing our shows. I must confess, we never taped anything and often miss shows because they are on too late or compete with the other show we are watching. Today…that all ends and we step forward into the new tech savvy world!

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