Archive for December 30, 2008

Rough Night

Carsten and I got little sleep last night. It was rough. We made a few bed changes but the worst was Carsten was comfortable. You could tell he was worried about wetting his bed and he couldn’t go to sleep easily after his first accident. I have submitted a request to the author and mentor of the book we are using to see what she recommends. Camden is still using pull ups and it is no big deal for us. I don’t mind night time diapers, I will just be thrilled with day potty training if that is all we get right now. I was a bed wetter and so the boys have a history with that. Today has gone as smooth as can be expected. We even had a small outing this morning to get passports and have breakfast. Carsten used his potty twice while we were out and about! I am very proud of him!

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