Archive for March 7, 2008


Camden starts Kindergarten this Fall and we have been unsure of where to send him. We had settled on our neighborhood school, where he attends preschool currently. In January we heard about another school. This is a charter school that looks like it has a great focus on children and education. Last night they had the lottery. There were 86 students that wanted Kindergarten and 50 spots available. Camden was drawn as number 84. That means he is 34th on the wait list. So we will wait and see what happens. If he doesn’t get picked before August then he will attend San Tan. When you begin this parenting roll you don’t realize all the decisions you are going to need to make that will affect your child. I will keep you posted.

On a side note, Nathan was also on the lottery and I don’t know if he got in or not. I am hoping he did, because Carrie didn’t really know where to send him if he didn’t.

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