Archive for October 12, 2006

Countdown…2 weeks to surgery

Yes, I will be having surgery 2 weeks from today.  About a month ago I went to the doctor for a painful lump in my neck.  I was treated with antibiotics, but it did not go away.  I went for an ultrasound which identified a 1.5 inch solid mass.  After that I was sent for a contrast CT Scan of my neck.  It was determined that I have an enlarged lymph node showing signs of necrosis.  My PCP referred me to an ENT.  I saw my ENT yesterday and after we discussed my options we decided on removing the whole lump and they will biopsy it to see what it is after they take it out.
My ENT seemed fairly confident that it was not cancer but rather just a bad infection.

I guess that is really all the news I have.  I shouldn’t be out of commission for more than a day, and my mom is going to come and help with the kids as well as taking care of me while Mark is at work.

My faith is strong and I know that God will see me through this.  He has a plan and I am along for the ride!  So I am buckling up for the next few weeks! 🙂

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