
It looks like both dad and I were hit by a spam posting in a blog post from over a year ago.  We can see them because of the recent comments section.  So here is the question…how do we stop ’em?


  1. Dad said,

    October 10, 2006 @ 3:53 pm

    Your blog is protected by Akismet which I activated when we first put up 2.0. I checked and it has caught 4 spams since I installed it and missed that one.

    My Akismet has caught over 1200 spams and only missed a few. My guess is the spammers are getting better at getting around it but it learns also.

    When you do get one of them you can just go in and delete it like I just did on both our blogs.

    If it starts getting bad we can always put a captcha back on.

    I wonder how many Donna and Richard get?

  2. Daryl said,

    October 10, 2006 @ 4:51 pm

    I’m getting between 10 and 20 a day now. It’s jumped up in the last month from maybe 1 a week.

    I think it’s about time to put some kind of captcha or filter on.

    Will Akismet work with Version 1.something, whatever I’m running?

  3. Dad said,

    October 10, 2006 @ 5:31 pm

    I’m not sure if it will but you know moving to WP 2.0 is pretty painless. Especially on a blog that uses the Kubrick theme.

  4. Aunt Donna said,

    October 11, 2006 @ 6:54 pm

    My Akismet has caught 90 spam and not missed any.

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