Day 2 and Night 2

Day: Carsten had a great day! We had a small outing in the morning to get Mark and go to the post office to send in for our passports. He used the potty twice in the car. He wouldn’t have anything to do with the big public potty. (My mission is to find a folding toilet seat that sits on top of big ones.) He played outside and would come in to use the potty. We had one main accident and a couple piddles while trying to get to the potty. He did great all afternoon and evening. He even went poopie on the potty! We had to go out again to pick up my car. That was fine!

Night: Well, we hadn’t heard back from the book lady so we thought we would do it our way and put Carsten in a diaper. BUT…he wanted NOTHING to do with it. So he went to bed in undies. Again at 11:30 he woke up, he was dry and went to the potty. He then got up 6 more times over the next 45 min. That got old fast so I told him we would use both the nighttime diapers and big boy underwear. He went back to sleep and didn’t wake up till 6:45 with a pretty much dry (maybe a few dribbles) diaper. I think this gave him security to go to sleep and not stress about waking up wet.

I did hear from the lady (30 min shy of the 24 hour response time). She said I should stick with it. I don’t want Carsten to be so stressed he can’t sleep at night so if one diaper a night will help, we are just fine with that.

I might brave the mall and play area today with the boys. We will see how that goes! I will take several changes of clothes just in case.

1 Comment

  1. Dad said,

    December 31, 2008 @ 6:48 pm

    Sounds like he’s doing really well. Did you document Camden’s potty training too? I can’t remember and don’t feel like searching.

    Happy New Year to you all!

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