Back to work!

I returned to work today. It was a chaotic morning. I am scheduled to work on Mon, Wed and Thurs (1/2 day). I had to go in today because it was our start date on our contract. Time went by so quickly that I had to leave my desk a mess in order to get home in enough time for Mark to go to work. I have all day tomorrow without any meetings scheduled, so that should be good.

1 Comment

  1. GG said,

    July 30, 2008 @ 5:09 pm

    Isn’t it ridiculous having school start so early? It is different with Megan, because they have year round school, but why start so early, when we are in the middle of the Monsoon. It’s more humid than it is the rest of the year, which makes it feel hotter. Poor kids–(and staff) !

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