Archive for November, 2013

Welcome Fall!

As we start the month of November, we all reflect on what we are thankful for. Our family is abundantly blessed and we thank the Lord for all we have. We made a Thankful Tree and add leaves of things we are Thankful for. It is a good reminder of how good we have got it.

October was a blur! Where did it go? We had a mellow Fall Break, spending it mostly at home. We did fun things, like go to the movies, Bass Pro Shop, the AZ Science Center, and down to Tucson for a quick visit. The boys had the Space Derby at Cub Scouts, and while we didn’t bring home a trophy, we did have fun. We went back to Tucson for a quick day trip for the annual block party at my mom’s. That was fun for all of us. Mark and I had our first Sonoran Hot Dog. We had a quite Halloween at home and just hung out with the neighbors.

November is going by too quickly! We celebrated Mark’s birthday and he got to spend the day at Nascar. He really enjoyed that surprise! This coming weekend in my 3 Day Walk in San Diego. I am very excited and can’t imagine how much this experience will impact my life.

Here are a few pictures from our latest adventures!

Space Derby 13 and Halloween 002

Space Derby 13 and Halloween 005

Space Derby 13 and Halloween 008

Space Derby 13 and Halloween 011

Space Derby 13 and Halloween 015

Space Derby 13 and Halloween 018

Space Derby 13 and Halloween 031

Space Derby 13 and Halloween 048

Heather iPhone Photos 551

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