Archive for January 7, 2012

Fun Winter Break

This year the boys went to school up until Dec 23rd, so all of their days off happened after Christmas, which was nice in a way and stressful in another. It would have been nice to have a couple days off before Christmas to get stuff done, but having two weeks after feels a little like summer break. Here is a snap shot of the things we did over break, in no particular order.

1) PLAY!!!!! We played so much with friends, mostly in our own front yard with the neighbor boys, but also with some friends from school and cousin Nathan of course! We went to the park and played too!

2)MOVIES!!! We saw two movies this break in the theaters. The first one was We Bought a Zoo, super cute, but a little sad too. The second one was Chipwrecked. It was adorable and totally geared for kids! I was able to sneak off and see Breaking Dawn Part 1, again, with my cousin. I LOVE that movie!

3)PARTIES!!! We went to the Reed’s to celebrate New Years. The kids played downstairs. Then when they were bored we did some fireworks and s’mores. We had a great time and the boys, and yes even I made it to midnight to ring in the New Year. We also went bowling to celebrate a birthday for a friend of mine. We all had a great time.

4)GOLF!!! The boys and I joined Nathan, Andrew and Carrie for some mini-golf and a yummy lunch at Subway. Followed by what else…playing at the park! Mark also went to play golf with Brian and did well! He hasn’t played in quite some time and he was pleased with how he did.

5)READ!!! Camden got the Percy Jackson series for Christmas and he has finished the first 2 books in the series and just started the 3rd. I read a Lee Child book that is part of the Reacher novels. I liked it. I am thinking about re-reading the Percy Jackson books so Camden and I can discuss them.

We did a few other things like go to the gym several times, not sure it is the boys favorite thing to do, but they are used to it. We also got them in to see the dentist and get their teeth cleaned. For the first time, Carsten did it! I was so proud! I am looking forward to school starting again, not sure about work, but being back in our routine will be nice.

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