Archive for November, 2010


We have many things to be thankful for this time of year! My job and Mark’s job are both steady and we are not wondering where our next meal will come from. Our boys are clothed, fed, and involved in a variety of extra curricular activities. We have a dog, that is slowly turning a corner and becoming slightly more tolerable. We are looking forward to a visit with family from England later this week.

On October 30th our family participated in the Undy 5000 walk to support finding a cure for colorectal cancer. Here is a picture of our team:


As we honored the survivors of the disease, I am so incredibly thankful that my mom could stand and be recognized for her fight to win. I am so blessed to be hers!

We also celebrated Mark’s birthday this week. He is such a great man, husband and father! I am very thankful that God has blessed us as a couple.

The boys have had a lot of fun playing with friends! We celebrated Lauren’s 10th birthday yesterday. I am so thankful that God has given her to our family. We are better because of her. Happy Birthday Lauren!

Just for good measure, here are a couple pictures of my sweet little boys!


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