Archive for November 15, 2008

Football Games

Mark went to the Cardinals Football game last Monday for his birthday. He had great seats and really enjoyed himself. I picked Camden up from school that afternoon and he kept asking when Dad was coming home. I told him not until late because he is at a football game. He burst into tears saying, “I want to go to the game too!” Poor guy he was devastated. Trying to calm him down I looked to see when the Rattlers play next. It turns out their season runs March to June. That sent Camden into another crying outburst. (Did I mention how tired he is after school?) To offer a bit of hope I told him I would ask Jodie (the school psych I work with, and her husband is a Higley High School football coach) if there were anymore games. We were in luck! The first playoff game was scheduled for this Friday and it was at Higley High. Last night we went to the game. We paid our $5 admission (far better amount to lose if the boys were miserable over the $100 Cardinals tickets) and we were off to find our seats. We sat with Jodie and her family. She has two boys very close in ages to Camden and Carsten. They were so excited! Carsten was a little nervous but had a great time! He kept yelling “Touch Down!” Camden cheered like crazy! We headed home after the third quarter and went to bed. It was a lot of fun and we might have to go to more next year!

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