Archive for September 16, 2008

Kiwi Allergy

I have many food allergies, most of which I either deal with the effects or I avoid the food. Bananas bother me at times but not often and I love avocados so much that I will put up with the itching to eat those. I avoid all melons, their taste doesn’t outweigh the allergic reaction.

I now have to add kiwi to the list. I went shopping this weekend and I thought the boys might like kiwi since it is so different and has such a sweet taste. I took one slice before giving it to them. The reaction happened so quickly it was overwhelming. No sooner had I swallowed the piece of kiwi then my throat started to itch all the way up into my ears. I felt a slight swelling and it was difficult and painful to swallow. I took children’s benadryl and a choltrimatron.

I made it through dinner and at 7:00 I was so sleepy Mark said to go lay down in bed. I woke up 11 hours later. Crazy! Needless to say, but I am not eating KIWI again! Or taking that much allergy medicine.

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