Archive for April 13, 2007

No more eggs!

We went to an allergist yesterday for Camden.  I will start from the beginning as it seems I never posted on it.  In March, Camden licked the beaters of his brother’s birthday cake batter.  After that he had hives around his mouth.  I notified his doctor and she had a RAST completed.  That is a blood test to see if you are allergic to something.  Results showed he was severely allergic to eggs (The cut off is <0.35 and Camden results were 36.09).  We were prescribed an EPI-pen and sent off to see an allergist.

Well we got in to see him yesterday.  They completed a skin scratch test and the results were negative.  The doctor was quite surprised that Camden had such a high result on the blood test but no reaction to the skin test or to eggs cooked within foods.  After much discussion, it was determined that for the next 6 months we won’t feed him eggs, but it is fine if it is in something that has been cooked.  I have already figured out that he can never eat the LAFFERTY CHOCOLATE PIE!!!  Oh my!  But if that is the worst of it, no big deal!  We will carry an epi-pen, benadryl, and oral steroid with us wherever he is and just closely watch him around new foods.  After the 6 months we will have everything completed again to see where he is.  The doctor said he should out grow it all by the age of 5 or so.

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