Archive for September, 2005


We went shopping tonight at Target to pick up a few things for our trip coming up. Camden and I were seperated from Mark while shopping. At one point Camden was walking up and down the aisle saying “Mark, Mark?” It took me a short time to realize he was calling for Daddy, but using his first name. It cracked me up!!

He is such a cutie!!!

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This is what our family has been doing this week. Camden came down with what I thought was just asthma, but later turned into a cold. I started feeling ucky on Monday night, but it hit me hard on Wed. Mark has a small sinus congestion problem, but he has the immune system of a…well, something very healthy!

Mark is going to be a bachelor this weekend! I am going to a Girlfriends Unlimited retreat ( I am excited, but I will miss my boys! My mom is going to spoil Camden rotten for the weekend. He loves to run around the backyard with Pa’a Ken!

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Baby makes 4

We had a doctor’s appointment this morning and got to see our little peanut! He is such a cutie! He was so active during the ultrasound. He flipped over and arched his back. It was so cool! Please check our gallery to see the u/s pictures!

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#1 and #2

So I am laying on the couch and my son starts to tug at his shirt. I ask him what he wants and he says pee. So I unbutton his onesie and take off his diaper. He goes over to the potty and sits for a minute or less. Then he stands up and says POO. I get up off the couch and sure enough, he pooped and peed in the potty!

🙂 Yeah Camden!!!!!

We had a very busy weekend. Camden went and stayed with my mom while I went to a retreat for church and Mark was working. On Sunday we went to a birthday party at The Bounce U. It has 3 birthday rooms and each room has 4 giant inflatable bounce houses. Camden did NOT like it, but after he saw daddy jumping and goofing around, he started to warm up. By the end of the party he was bouncing all over the place. His favorite activity was when daddy would take him down the Giant Slide (20 feet tall). Weeeeee!!!!

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And so it began….

Mark came home last night and I told him that we were now part of the blogging world. He said “Great!” (underlying sarcastic tone). He didn’t feel like we need to share our views on political and hot topic issues. So I reassured that I was not planning on writing that type of blog.

Instead, my intentions for this blog is to keep you updated about our life and the many changes Camden goes through each day. I am not sure how faithful I will be, but I am willing to give it a try.

Here is the latest(just had a thought….maybe I will just send a link to my blog in my Christmas letter 🙂 that would be easy):

Mark- He continues to work full time, and then some, for SOS PT, a private physical therapy clinic. He really enjoys what he is doing. The clinic is growing so fast that they have been acccepting student interns to come help with the work load. So Mark has a new student every 8 weeks or so. This has been a blessing and is allowing us to take a second family vacation this year (more on that later). He is still playing guitar, but his band has undergone some changes, so it hasn’t been as much fun for him lately.

Heather- I am a stay at home mom (SAHM), however it seems like I am never home. On Mondays Camden spend the day with his Gma Balch and I provide private speech therapy to a few kids. On Tuesdays we go to Kids Day Out. I teach the 4-year olds and Camden goes to the 2-year old class in the morning. He joins me in the afternoon. I am still scrapbooking, however I can’t remember when I touched it last. Other than that we are running to play groups, Rolly Pollies, and household errands. The biggest news is that I am 11 weeks pregnant today. It has been different from my pregnancy with Camden; I am a lot sicker this go round.

Camden- Well, he is 2. Not much else to say. Just kidding! He is picking up new words each day. He has Mark and I just rolling on the floor sometimes. He is really into trains now. We just got him a little wooden train set from Target’, and he spends hours playing with it. He can count to 4 and has the number concept of 2 and yesterday he said 3 while looking at 3 objects. He knows several colors. We have not started letters yet, but we will work on the ones in his name first.

We will be taking our second family vacation the first week in October. We will be driving with Mark’s parents to Carlsbad, CA. We will spend a week there and we plan to go to Legoland and Sea World. I might even be able to see my dad one day(hint-dad). It turns out that Brian and Carrie were also planning a trip the same time, so we are going to go to Legoland and Sea World with them. It should be fun!

So I guess that should bring you up to date. I will write again after the weekend.

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The Beginning….

Ok, so we have joined the blogging world. Hopefully it goes smoothly. Check back for more soon!

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